I live an hour from the church and saw an exciting event on my way down today. From my house, I go through a traffic circle, and as I approached that circle, a truck from the other direction crossed the other lane, hit a telephone pole, and rolled over. I could see the power lines shaking as I entered the circle, which told me he had not slowed down before he hit that pole. As I watched that, I thought I had no idea what was happening here. If I am honest, I think that a lot these days.
As I look around at the events of the world we live in, they are many times I am not sure what is going on. I heard a counselor the other day talking about an aggravation that appears to be simmering just below the surface in many people's lives. From the onset of Covid, it seems to have triggered something there and continues today. Most people cannot explain it; it's just there and boils over from time to time.
I think it is more anger than aggravation, but it is an anger that most of us cannot explain. We might be pushed to a reaction, maybe even a rage, and cannot explain why after the episode is over. This is not the first time things have not gone our way; this is not the first time our person did not or might not get elected. This is not the first time the court did not rule in our favor; this is not the first time we have been made to do something we do not want to do. Yet we see reactions that we have not seen before, intimidation and violence on both sides.
While we question what is going on and struggle with the changes occurring, there is one thing, one person we do not have to question. Hebrews 13:8 tells us, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." In other words, He never changes, so as other things around us change, hopefully, getting better, but maybe not. We can find salvation and hope in the one who will not change. That same person who loved us enough to lay down His life for you and me loves us enough to continue to offer that same salvation. So maybe that anger that simmers there is the result of something missing, and maybe what is missing you will find in Jesus.
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