What an opportunity we have before us, a new year of brand new things to come. It is usually this time of year that we make resolutions, or set goals that we want to live out over the coming three hundred sixty five days. As you think about the goals that you have set, maybe even the ones that have already fallen by the wayside, let me give you something to think about.
Edgemere Bible Church has declared 2020 The Year Of Clarity. Clarity in what we believe, clarity in our personal lives, which will provide clarity in our church. Most of us are still seeking that clarity. What we get is that which is shared from Bible study or a once a week sermon, while good, may not be providing all the clarity we need.
In light of that, we have challenged our church to read through the Bible in 2020. We are providing helps and plans that not only guide us through the reading. but provides more in depth information. During the week we are meeting together together for a time of questions and discussion in regards to what we have read. There is more to come that will help with that clarity as well.
If 2020 is the year will seek clarity or planned on searching for a church home, I would like to invite you to join us. We will strive to help you find that clarity you have been seeking, and it may change your life. Hope to see you Sunday.
Pastor Gary
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